whitney Point welcome center

Whitney Point, ny


Dembling + Dembling Architects, P.C. was the architectural design consultant to Dufresne-Henry, Inc. (presently Stantec) on this project which included the demolition of an existing rest area facility and the design of the new and expanded replacement rest area facility.

The Whitney Point rest area is the only facility for the I-81 southbound traveler between the city of Syracuse and the New York-Pennsylvania State Line.  The 28-year-old structure was in poor condition.  The roof needed to be replaced and the antiquated mechanical and plumbing systems were experiencing numerous operating problems.  Furthermore, both public and commercial traffic has increased since the rest area began operating and for that reason there is a need for a larger, more serviceable rest area.

To rectify the inadequacies a new building was built to include the necessary components to provide for present and future needs.  The new and upgraded facility includes increased parking for cars and trucks along with improved services for elderly and disabled persons.  In addition, the facility contains multiple public restrooms, which are handicap accessible.  Other amenities include seating areas and vending machines as well as public telephones and tourist information displays.

The rest area houses an operations office for NYS DOT maintenance personnel and NYSDOT & NYS Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement combined with a New York State Police Interstate Highway Patrol satellite office, which provides police presence for the safety of the public and the control of truck traffic.

Overall the 2-story, 11,000 square feet facility is relatively easy to maintain and will meet the needs of the public for the next 20 years.